Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Folks!

Get your homework done fast tonight so you can have some fun!

Honors: Type up your pre-lab for the flame test lab, bring shoes and tie your hair back tomorrow!

CP1: Complete the bookwork on the schedule on pg 703, and please complete the worksheet from class (up through 16).

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Upcoming Tests/Quizzes

Just a few reminders about upcoming tests and quizzes:
  • CP1 classes have a chapter 3 TEST on Thursday 10/25
  • Honors has a electron configuration QUIZ on Friday 10/26
Please study your notes/practice worksheets/problems and let me know if you'd like any extra help.

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Just a reminder that your Chapter 3 worksheet packets are due FRIDAY 10/19 and count as a big QUIZ GRADE! That means you NEED to complete them and make sure you turn them in on time (if you don't do it, it will really hurt your average)!

Also, if you are interested in completing the optional timeline project for extra credit, that is also due Friday 10/19.

Good luck on PSATs tomorrow for the Sophomores and Juniors!

Friday, October 12, 2012

PowerPoint Notes

Below are the current PowerPoint files being used this and next week.

ALSO--Honors: Don't forget that you have a QUIZ on TUESDAY!

PPT for Honors (Nuclear Chem)

PPT for CP1 (Molar Conversions)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

CP1 Chap 3 Worksheet Packets

All CP1 classes received a packet of chapter 3 worksheets today (except A, which will get it tomorrow). This packet will be due sometime at the end of next week (due date TBD, depending on how quickly we get through the rest of the chapter), and will count as an open note QUIZ GRADE!!

PLEASE start working on it now, and complete the later sections as we cover them in class. This is a very good opportunity to bring up your test average, but remember that if you don't hand in the packet, it is equivalent of taking a zero on a big quiz!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012


A few reminders:

Honors (B period) has a Chap 3 quiz tomorrow, topics covered include:
  • scientific notation
  • sig figs
  • accuracy and precision
  • metric system conversions
CP1s (A, C, D, F) have the accuracy/precision lab due this week (Thursday) and a lab QUIZ on Wednesday

Feel free to email me with any questions!