Monday, September 17, 2012

Upcoming Tests

Honors (B period) has a TEST covering Chapters 1 and 2 TOMORROW!!

CP1 (A, C, D, and F periods) have a TEST covering Chapters 1 and 2 scheduled for Friday, but we may push it to Monday (stay tuned...)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lab Safety

Below is a safety video from youtube that you should watch, and a sheet of some lab safety review questions, the answer key is at the bottom of the document. Good luck studying, email me with any questions! (

Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to School!

Hi everyone, welcome back to PSHS for another year!

This blog is just a place for me to post reminders and important info, and maybe some worksheets/assignments in the future, so check it regularly throughout the school year.

In case you need me for anything, please feel free to email! You can reach me at